Friday, March 26, 2010
indie electro - pop or not?
Can't live with them, can't live without them.
It seems the new wave of indie-electro which has hit the scene has completely taken over! Proof is in the CRAZY Fringe nights with DJ Sub-Octave and DJ Blondie K which have been gaining major momentum! Last weeks event was completely packed, and the DJs were on point: every song is one we all know and sing along to, and the energy was palpable!
But how unique are these new indie-electro songs? Are they any less pop than songs that artists such Britney Spears or Lady Gaga produce?
And what makes a Indie-Electro song a HIT?
There are a few major components to this new wave of music which make these jams SO popular..and yet SO NOT POP:
1. Gender mixups:
Over-the-edge-weird-but-hot-so-its-ok chick , to sing about how she wants you to find her a lady (preferably French)
2. Gender mixups:
Over-the-edge-weird-but-hot-so-its-ok boy to confesses his love "You are the girl that I've been dreaming of ...Ever since I was a little girl"
3. Take a break:
Use influences from the 80s, 80s, 80s, 80s, 80s, some 90s, and give it a wacky twist, get some Dj to remix it, and give it a dance:
4. F*k with it:
Forget the dj, take the wild indie electro, drop the "electro", and bring back the gender mix ups - switch up the boys and girls, and you've got a hit:
INDIE ELECTRO = popular, but NOT POP!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Devendra Banhart!!! *swoon*

Back in his once home, San Francisco, Devendra Banhart played last night with the Grogs at the Regency on Van Ness..AND IT WAS ELECTRIC!!!!!!!!!!!
No need to write down directions, follow the hipsters!!
The lovely long-haired, bearded-boys and the sexy-dumpling girls led the way to the Regency Ballroom . As we thrust our bodies into line with countless other ladies we realized there was no lack of females last night!!
Girls like boys that like boys.. so where were they??..
Already inside!!
The boys that were there definitely made up for the ones that weren't; the words "I LOVE YOU!!" & "TE AMO!!!" are still ringing in my ears in husky, throaty voices...
One smooth criminal even managed to get on stage and hug Dev while he was shirtless and doing his encore...Wild!!
A crowd favorite was (of course) SEAHORSE and it went on for dayyyyyyyyyyys.... It was a beautiful rendition and i'm SO glad I was there last night.
This is the second Devendra / Grogs concert I've been to. The first one was at Yoshis a little less than a year ago. Though nothing can beat Yoshis' relaxed and intimate setting, the roudy hipster boys were definitely on point last night, and boy was it a lovely site to see, and a beautiful hymn to hear :D
Now only if that damned throaty ringing would just go away...
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Pavement to Parks at Mojo is DONE!

Newsom previously described the mini-pavement-to-parks initiative as a chance to "slow down the day" and allow people to "pause and reflect and connect with one another."
Why Mojo? The new sidewalk extension in the form of a beautiful (donated) wooden platform, landscaping, and the city bike racks are where they are because of Mojo's great location and because the cooperative, local business is willing to maintain the space.
Remy Nelson, owner of the hot spot cafe on the busy Divisadero corridor, emphasizes that anyone can sit a spell at the new mini-park, "even if you bring your coffee from somewhere else."
I am personally honored to be involved in such a fantastic project. I can't wait for the other 11 parklets to spring up everywhere around the city this year, if not more!
Again, a special thanks goes out to Architect Riyad Ghannam, and the wonderful volunteers who helped construct the parklet for donating their time and talent to give such a wonderful gift to the community.
Just another reason why I love calling San Francisco home :)
Free Dancing, By Jennifer Nelson

Last night was the launch of my wonderful friend Jen Nelson’s professional career as an Artist.
Her first solo art show after graduating from UC Berkeley is currently taking place at Guerilla Cafe, a family favorite, in wonderful Gourmet Ghetto of Berkeley, CA.
The pieces featured are a tribute to the universe. In the words of the artist, the works are “uncontrolled and fluid, the dance between everything that exists, similar to the cosmic dance of the stars, the beginnings and endings”
Make it over to Guerilla Cafe sooner rather than later to check out Jen Nelson’s work. The show broke records with over 10 pieces sold on the first night! These little fire birds are hot, and going fast.. Get one while you can, and get a latte while you’re at it!
As Jen would say, "Wild Blessings!!"
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Pavement to Parks
I'm extremely excited to announce that I will be a part of the design/construction crew for the "Pavement to Parks" project in front of Mojo Cafe, on Divisadero and Hayes streets!!

Construction starts Sunday in order for this to be a partially pre-fab project. Holla if you're interested in joining - we can always use more hands to help! Just contact me for more info at: nikkilyy (at) gmail (dot) com
My Take:
As an architectural intern deeply interested in social and cultural factors of design, I have nothing but whole-hearted support for this movement.
Though San Franciscans are very forward thinking and are definitely making moves that are both great and green, I often find that our efforts are falling short those in places like New York and Portland, not to mention Stokholm or Amsterdam..
The Pavement to Parks project is one which utilizes sensible and sensitive design in order to find a design solution through architecture that takes space and place into consideration to better the lives of folks fortunate enough to find themselves on a pavement-park.
I'm attracted to the simple, streamlined, multipliable and extendable design, and believe that the site was extremely well chosen. The Divisadero and
The sidewalk addition will be a great asset to the local economy and helps us as a city - one community at a time - move towards larger greenification efforts in
Thank you, San Francisco and RG - Architecture, for making this possible, and giving me the opportunity to become involved in this project.
-- says:
San Francisco ’s streets and public rights-of-way make up fully 25% of the city’s land area, more space even than is found in all of the city’s parks. Many of our streets are excessively wide and contain large zones of wasted space, especially at intersections. San Francisco’s new “Pavement to Parks” projects seek to temporarily reclaim these unused swathes and quickly and inexpensively turn them into new public plazas and parks. During the temporary closure, the success of these plazas will be evaluated to understand what adjustments need to be made in the short term, and ultimately, whether the temporary closure should be a long term community investment.
San Francisco’s Pavement to Parks projects are inspired by the recent success of similar projects in New York City - where plazas and seating areas have been created in excess roadway simply by painting or treating the asphalt, placing protective barriers along the periphery, and installing moveable tables and chairs. Streets such as Broadway have been transformed into much more inviting and pedestrian-friendly spaces through New York’s efforts.
Each Pavement to Parks project is intended to be a public laboratory where the City can work with the community to test the potential of the selected location to be permanently reclaimed as public open space. Materials and design interventions are meant to be temporary and easily moveable should design changes be desired during the trial-run. Seating, landscaping, and treatment of the asphalt will be common features of all projects.
Location Selection
Locations for Pavement to Parks projects are selected based on the following criteria:
- Sizeable area of under-utilized roadway
- Lack of public space in the surrounding neighborhood
- Pre-existing community support for public space at the location
- Potential to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety via redesign
- Surrounding uses that can attract people to the space
- Identified community or business steward
Built Examples:

Taken by Trees & El Perro Del Mar.. Tonight at Cafe du Nord!
Hip bands from Sweden guarenteed to blow up soon, the lead singers of these two groups definitely have it going on. El perro del mar even did a version of their most popular song, ''Change of Heart '' with Lykke Li - another Swedish beauty.
Tickets are $15-$20, a steal for such touching music at such a great venue.
Hope to see you tonight!