Friday, May 22, 2009

high 5-ing with people in high places


The Office:

Part of my job includes keeping track of DSA (District of the State Architect) forms which come in and out of the office. Today, my boss, David, and I both received DSA - 5 forms which we had been waiting on for quite some time...

me: "AhhhH! David! I got my DSA 5!"
David: "WOOHOOO! I got mine too!"
me: "WOOOOOH! DSA HIGH 5!!!"

synonymously: "YEAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!"

...And we both proceeded to high 5 each other with our DSA 5 forms and then laugh hysterically.

It was really quite spectacular.

Additionally, national high-5 day falls on the third thursday of april of every year. But that doesn't mean you can only high-5 people once a year (or only with your hands, for that matter).

Who have you high-fived recently? Feed back is requested ;)

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