Great under-cover-cooks in the city:
My favourite thing in the world is when i find out that a good friend of mine is a good cook!!!!
to those of you who don't know hindi.. you are going to learn some in this post.
My friend Ayesha made:
bhindi ( sautayed okra with tomatoes, onions, and tons of indian spices)
pulaao ( sticky rice with yellow lentils)
raita (yogurt with cucumbers and indian spices)
and keema (ground beef satayed with tomatoes onions and tons of indian spices)
it was seriously SOOO GOOOOOOD.
she made it for her friend, "Tukloo" (means bald) and had a little bit left over.. Sweet heart that she is, she dropped some off at saalik's place today. .. while he was napping i had some for dinner and honestly i have not had such amazing "khana" (means food in hindi) in a while.
TO DO: Have Ayesha come over so we can have a full on "desi" (6) night and cook some food. Anj had also expressed some interest in making some bomb "khana" so we'll do that soon... and invitations will definitely be going out for cooks / eaters to come thru and join :)
(you're getting a quiz later, so make sure to keep up)
All of these words are the same in both hindi and urdu!
1. bhindi - n. okra
2. pulaao - n. rice with lentils
3. raita - n. yogurt with cucumbers, onions, desi spices
4. keema - n. ground beef with desi spices and occasionally cinnamon
5. khana - n. food
6. desi - n., adj. - pakistani / indian food, culture, or people.
7. tukloo - endearing way of calling someone (male) bald. noun, adj.