Tuesday, May 12, 2009


If you haven't heard, meta is this crazy (new?) concept which describes when one situation is in itself. For example, a dream within a dream:

john: i had the craziest dream
it was this like long series of connected dreams
there was a giant football game
at the hotel/resort i was staying at
daniel showed up and we went to a buffet
and ate ice cream out of GIANT bowls
were u in miami, bitch
john: no it was san fran
john: then it started to rain
and it was a reaaaaaaally bad storm
me: mhmm
john: like giant waves
and lightning that didn't stop
like just coursing across the ocean
it was scary
and i was all of a sudden with my sister
and i was like cmon we gotta get out of the storm
and there was lightning around us
and then all of a sudden it was gone, i was by myself and i was walking around
and i found this grate
john: and i was like oh it just rained, so i bet there's a lot of cool stuff stuck in the grate
me: ahhaah
john: so first i found a quarter
i was like SWEET
me: ahahah
john: then i found this cool badge i was like AWESOME
me: ahhaha
john: and then for some reason i was like i wonder if my lost keys are in there
(i don't know why i thought i had lost keys)
me: lolll
john: but sure enough, i found my lost keys
i was like BOMB.COM
me: ahhaha
john: i found my keys
then i woke up but i still had my eyes closed
and i was like DANIEL, i found my keys, but i think it might have just been a dream
do i have my keys in my hand??
and he was like YEAH, they're there, you've got your keys
me: woah
john: and then i woke up FOR REALS THIS TIME
me: lolllll
john: i was like wtf you have to be kidding me
me: META!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
john: sooooooooo meta
me: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and you're always like
"meta is a dream in a dream"
john: i know
how crazypants
me: absolutely crazy pants.


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